The day when our smartphone’s battery will last a week has not arrived yet. Technology is yet to satisfy us ,so we still have to deal with it.
Here in this article, we are going to share some simple tips that will help you charge your smartphone much faster.
Use The Airplane Mode
If the above options seem too hard, then you can switch your smartphone to Airplane mode. This is the best way to disable all the network features of the latter. This will prevent the smartphone from consuming energy, whichalso means faster charging.
Therefore, whenever you feel that the network features are not needed then turn on the Airplane mode.
Don’t Touch While Charging
You ask why?
One thing you should notforget, the screen remains the biggest source of consumption ofa phone. Not using it during charging means keeping your screen off and very low power consumption (especially if you have followed the previous steps).
Switch Off The Phone
Nothing can beat this because turning off your smartphone while charging will consume nothing and can rechargeyour battery quickly. This option might be a torture for some, however, this is effective.
Disable What You Don’t Use
Several connectivity options like WiFi/3G/4G/GPS and much more just consumes battery power and resources. There whenever you are charging your smartphone, make sure to disable these connectivity options.
Right Charger Right Place
It’s always better to use the original charger that is provided by default with your mobile. Using an original charger will make sure your phone doesn’t end up exploding.Right place here means on the wall, if you charge your phone via USB port of your PC then you might expect a lot, a lot more time.
We hope that these little tips will help you recharge your smartphone faster. Comment here also ,dont forget.
Thank's for reading my article Awesome Tips To Charge Your Phone FasterCreate by cyberlordh at 2018-01-20

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