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How to secure your website

How to secure your website
Nowadays, websites are necessary for most of the businesses and especially in e-commerce.

Every attacker knows that your site holds customers data. You’ve worked hard on your site (and your brand) – so take some time to secure it.
You should do the following steps to ensure your website is safe:

– The most important thing is to backup always and keep a recent backup copy off-site.– keep your Content Managment System (CMS), scripts and plugins up-to-date.

– If it’s possible, install security plugins such as Wordfence plugin for WordPress.–

Download plugins, themes and scripts from trusted sources.–

Make sure that the website code is secure (all the inputs has been well filtered) to prevent web application attacks like SQL injection, XSS, etc.
– Make your site more secure and trustworthy by using HTTPS (SSL certificate). You can use Let’s Encrypt service for this, it is a free, automated,and open certificate authority brought to you bythe non-profit Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).–

Hide admin pages and change the main URL of it. For example, WordPress main admin page is “wp-admin”, you can change it to any unknown name.–

You can use Web Application Firewall (WAF).–

use a web application vulnerability scanner to scan your website.

Remember that there are new attacks every day, by taking regular backups, keeping your platform up to date (upgrading) and following the above steps are the best security practices you can do.
Hope this article is helpful,use the comment box for any question or feedback .Thanks

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How to secure your website
Create by cyberlordh at 2018-01-05
XTBlog by: D Cyberlord

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