Bill Gates is not only known for Microsoft,he is also known for his predictions. Bill Gates is one of the most successful people in the world.
The good thing is, his predictions were turned true. Well, his book he talked about Internet Of Things, websites, personalized ads and much more. He made many predictions in that book and many of them have turned out to be true.
1) Automated Price Comparision
Bill Gates talked about automated Price Comparision in his book that too in the Year 1999.Bill Gates’ predicted that there will be automated price comparison services.So, now we have automated price comparison services, we are talking about websites and services which are used to check offers and rates of products on several websites.
2) Websites For Friends &Family
Yes, Bill Gates’ talked about websites in which friends and family will share their opinion. These are known as “Social Networks” which we use to stay connected with our friends and families.
3) Security Camera
Bill Gates has predicted in 1999 that in future we will have houses with a camera.
This will allow house owners to look what’s happening inside and outside their home.Security Cameras have now become a massive trend. There are few companies which offer smart door camera which help us to see who’s at the door.
4) People Will Find Opportunities Through Internet
4) Bill Gates in his book predicted that “People will indicate their interests, skills, and knowledge and find opportunities based on them.”Now there are multiple choices available for people to choose their career. We are right now living in two worlds, the natural and the digital. We must admit that tech giants like Google, Linkedin are searching for more and more talent.
5) Personal Assistant AndInternet Of Things
Bill Gates in 199 said “Personal companions will be developed. They will connect and sync all your devices in a smart way, whether they are at home or in the office, and allow them to exchange data”.
So, now we have Google Now, Siri, Cortana who does the same thing.We are actually living in the reality which Bill Gates’ once visioned.
What do you think about these predictions? Discuss with us in the comments.
Thank's for reading my article 5 Predictions Made By Bill Gates In 1999 That Are True TodayCreate by cyberlordh at 2018-01-12

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