Subscribe to a small plan, 100# 5Mb for 3days dial *141#
Copy down the time you sucribed
Don't open any app or Facebook or uc web
Just open default browser and enter Google.com>
Flex throughout Google till your 5mb exhaust a day.... you should be expecting free.Facebook. com..
But Google servers still opens up.....
Then readjust your date to intact time you did your suscribiton
Pls don't enter any other site because airtel will get you cault
Now open your ucweb handler..
Go to real host www.Google.com
Just start download till your battery sinks..
Cheat last til your phone switch off or you enter another site aside of uc handler....
Tested and working for me....
Show your report.. so I can help..
Note always adjust the date back after 5min..
Thank's for reading my article Airtel hot unlimited browsing and downloading Create by cyberlordh at 2016-08-09

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