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Google Reveals A Flaw In Edge That Microsoft Fails To Patch

Google Reveals A Flaw In Edge That Microsoft Fails To Patch
If you are aware that Google has a security project to find vulnerabilities in a various platform. After finding vulnerabilities in any software, Google is to warn the developer. If a fix is not released within 90 days, the fault is publicly disclosed.

Now Microsoft seems to have broke the deadline.
Microsoft’s Edge browser has a security flaw which is designed to mitigate arbitrary code execution.Google’s Project Zero has once again made public a new security flaw in the Microsoft’s Edge browser.

Basically, the flaw is related to Microsoft’s compiler for Javascript.

Google gave the warning to Microsoft in November 2017 on which the company said it could not resolve the failure within 90 days, to be more complex than expected, so the deadline was extended by another14 days

.However, Microsoft still failed to resolve the flaw within the deadline, and Google disclosed the flaw. Microsoft said that the fix will be released only on March 13 which will probably carry the patch.

What’s your opinion on this? Discuss with us in the comments.
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Google Reveals A Flaw In Edge That Microsoft Fails To Patch
Create by cyberlordh at 2018-02-22
XTBlog by: D Cyberlord

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segun flexible wapforum

Infact Microsoft ehn

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hmm... Microsoft is really going down oh

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