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The Co-founder Of Apple Steve Wozniak Says Someone Stole 7 Bitcoins From Him

The Co-founder Of Apple Steve Wozniak Says Someone Stole 7 Bitcoins From Him
Everyone continues to go crazy because of the cryptocurrency fever.

And when talking about them we can not leave aside the most famous cryptocurrency: the Bitcoin.
Even Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple, wanted his share of the pie, although, in the end, everything went wrong.

According to the co-founder of the tech giant Apple, Steve Wozniak statements to the Economic Times of India; it fell, like many mortals, in a scam related to Bitcoin.

Steve Wozniak, the scamsand the Bitcoin

The co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak decided to let himself be carried away by the fever and buy not one, not two, but seven bitcoins. This not without first investigating everything bad, including the common scams and still, it fell.
The method used to defraud the co-founder of the tech giant Apple, Steve Wozniak was nothing more nor less than a cloned credit card
.So was the scam, in the words of Wozniak himself:

“Seven bitcoins were stolen for fraud. Someone bought them online through a credit card and cancelled the payment with the credit card.

It was that easy! And it was through a stolen credit card number, so he can never get it back.

”This is just one more chapter in Woz’s history with cryptocurrencies. The co-founder of Apple said in 2017 that he bought Bitcoin for 700 dollars each. However, he decided to sell them almost all because he didnot want his life to revolve around seeing numbers go up and down.Now, surely you will have less desire to continue in the career of the crypto.
So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.

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The Co-founder Of Apple Steve Wozniak Says Someone Stole 7 Bitcoins From Him
Create by cyberlordh at 2018-03-03
XTBlog by: D Cyberlord

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