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How To Watch YouTube Videos Without Internet

How To Watch YouTube Videos Without Internet
Here we are going to talk about How To Watch YouTube Videos Without Internet If we should talk about online video sites, YouTube comes first. YouTube is now world’s best video streaming site which is used by 70% of users worldwide.
YouTube video streaming service is available on both desktop, Android and iOS version.

However, as we know the internet is something that doesn’t come for free.
Users always try to save some precious data while restricting their video usage on online sites.To check those factors, Google recently launched an awesome Android app which aims to battle with slow network connections.

We are talking about YouTube Go.

The project is actually a part of company’s ‘Next Billion’ program through which it aims to connect India’s next billion people to the internet.

The title of the post says that ‘How to watch YouTube videos without internet’, you might feel how’s this possible. Well, with YouTube Go app youcan not only watch videos but can also save it for offline viewing.

YouTube Go is basically aseparate app which is much lighter compared to the original app. This app consumes less RAM and data. The app is meant for saving the internet data, therefore, it also runs on slow internet connections.

The usage of the app is very simple, just download and install the app from Google Play Store and search for the video that you want to download.
You can also see its file size before downloading, along with how much space you have left on your smartphone.

Once you have downloaded the video, you can watch it anytime without using the internet connection. Not only these, the app also lets users send videos to others near them over Bluetooth.

So, users can also receive or send YouTube videos without the internet connection.
This is how you can use the YouTube Go app to watch youtube videos without internet connection. Hope it helped ,confused? DROP A COMMENT, you share it as much as you can.

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How To Watch YouTube Videos Without Internet
Create by cyberlordh at 2018-03-04
XTBlog by: D Cyberlord

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so in essence what you are saying is i can watch YouTube videos even when my data is off or.when my phone is in airplane mode???



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