Recently , Airtel launched its 4G LTE service in Ibadan Nigeria, now the telco has just rolled out its Airtel 4G LTE Serviceis Live in Lagos with Free 4GB Data.
Subscribers in Ibadan has been enjoying this service since February and have testified that the speed is very impressive.
The most interesting part of this is that, Airtel 4G operates on Band 3 (1800MHz) which almost all 4G enabled Android devices are using.
If you are in Lagos, you can now get your Airtel 4G LTE sim with free 4GB of data after activation.
Below are what you should take note about the new Airtel 4G service.
Details of Airtel 4G LTE Service
You’ll require a sim swap in order to be able to access Airtel 4G LTE service.
You will have to walk into any Airtel office which is near you with a valid means of identification to carry out your sim swap.
Airtel 4G LTE network supports Band 3 (1800MHz) which almost all 4G enabled Android devices are using Airtel is giving out a 4GB bonus data to everyone who activates 4G service
The 4GB bonus data is usable on 4G network only.
To check your balance dial *140# If you are in Lagos and have carried out your sim swap, kindly share with us your experience with the service.
Thank's for reading my article Airtel 4G LTE Service is Live in Lagos with Free 4GB DataCreate by cyberlordh at 2018-03-21
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