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Are You Scared Mark Zuckerberg Will Delete Facebook

Are You Scared Mark Zuckerberg Will Delete Facebook
Are You are Scared Mark Zuckerberg Will Delete Facebook ? You should disregard the false information trending on Facebook right now.If you are active on Facebook since yesterday, you should have seen a message and Video about Facebook plan to deactivate or delete accounts who didn't forward a certain message until they pay for the services.

According to the message trending on Facebook Messenger, Facebook will soon be a paid platform meaning that without paying certain amount, you won't use it.

The video also revealed that facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is tired and disappointed on how the social media platform is running the life of many people in the world.

The video claimed that people now live lonely because of facebook, people lie a lot and live fake life on Facebook. Also, the recent data and privacy issues aregiving Mark more pressure to finally decide to delete Facebook..... I laugh.

In fact, without wasting much time, read the content of the message below.

You can also watch the video here. After that, read further to see the hidden truth and why it's not possible.

"Hi, I'm Mark Zuckerberg The Director of facebook.

Hello everyone, it seems that all the warnings were real, facebook use will cost money If you send this string to 18 different from your list, your icon will be blue and it will be free for you.If you do not believe me tomorrow at 6 pm that facebook will be closed and to open it you will have to pay, this is all by law.

This message is to inform all our users, that our servers have recently been very congested, so we are asking for your help to solve this problem. We require that our active users forward this message to each ofthe people in your contact list in order to confirm our active facebook users ifyou do not send this message to all your facebook contacts then your account will remain inactive with the consequence of Lose all your cont the transmission of this message.

Your Smart Phone will be updated within the next 24 hours, will have a new design and a new color for the chat. Dear Facebook users, we are going to do an update for facebook from 23:00p.m. until 05:00 a.m. on this day.

If you do not send this to all your contacts the update will be canceled and you will not have the possibility to chat with your facebook messages

Will go to pay rate unless you are a frequent user. If you have at least 10 contacts Send this sms and the logo will turn red to indicate that you are a user

Confirmed ... We finish it for free Tomorrow they start to collect the messages for facebook at 0.37 cents Forward this message to more than 9 people of your contacts and it will be free of life for you to watch and it will turn green the ball of above do it and you will 9 of you"


Yes Zuckerberg is planning on making Facebook a paid service but he also said there will be "free version" which will contain ads while the paid version won't contain ads.

So you see, it's not as if Facebook will be completely a paid platform where you must pay in order to use it.

Another point is that if even Facebook server is congested, do you think it will be fixed by massive forwarding of messages on the platform?

This is really hilarious
Thank's for reading my article
Are You Scared Mark Zuckerberg Will Delete Facebook
Create by cyberlordh at 2018-04-17
XTBlog by: D Cyberlord

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Comments: Are You Scared Mark Zuckerberg Will Delete Facebook

Soo there are hacking disturbing the pupils


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